Kevin Bloch

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
“My job is to communicate our technology vision in ways that inspire our customers to create value by leveraging technology and digitisation”
Kevin is privileged to lead the strategy and technology direction in Australia and New Zealand for a world–class business. With the team, Kevin shapes Cisco's strategy to enable its customers to create value based on the technology platforms they build and the transformations they undertake. Kevin has been leading Cisco’s Internet of Everything (IoE) and data analytics agendas including VC investments, education and establishing IoE innovation labs in Sydney and Perth.
As CTO, Kevin spends a lot of time working with business and technology leaders both externally and internally within Cisco. As Cisco touches so many parts of the global technology industry and market, it places him in a fantastic position to see what’s coming down the track and most importantly, to share what is possible, from Cisco’s perspective.
Before joining Cisco 15 years ago, Kevin held senior positions with other telecommunications equipment manufacturers, systems integrators and service providers. Kevin is the author of six technical reference books.
Cisco Top Trends for 2020
7 min read
The following is a summary of my predictions of the ICT trends for 2020. They have been selected because of their impact on the networking industry, and they forecast what is expected to happen or start happening, within the next 12 months. This information incorporates input and insights from several…
Top 10 Trends for ICT in 2019
7 min read
The following is a summary of predictions of the ICT trends for 2019, selected due to their impact on the networking industry and forecast what is expected to happen or start happening, within the next 12 months.
“Intuition is nothing but the outcome of earlier intellectual experience”…